Showit Instagram landing page template


A social media landing page template, perfect for Instagram, that lives right inside your Showit website! No third-party apps that can crash or let you down. This template is easy to install and customize in record time to get your beautiful landing page up and running!

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Increase your conversion and have a better user experience with your own landing page.

Lives on your website

You know that feeling of safety, not having to ever worry about any third-party platform going down, dragging your content with it.

Branded to you

No limits. It’s created inside Showit, so the page has all the flexibility and will follow your design site settings. Making it a breeze to customize.

Fast and easy to setup

Get your Instagram page up and running in no time with a done-for-you template and videos to walk you through the customization.

You’ll get:

  • Installing your template: Showit Share Key + Step by Step
  • Installing + How To customize your template: Video walkthrough
  • Nitty Gritty: Mobile vs Desktop customizations